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Issue 265 : November 2003

Issue 265 cover

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The latest news from the world of RISC OS and power computing.
Graphics - Nigel Gatherer
Graphic design in the real world with RISC OS.
The first in a new series explaining Internet security and how to use it.
Do you want to sell something over the Internet? We show you how you can get started fast.
Hard Disc Backup
Everyone tells you you should backup your data, can it be done more easily?
Archos video
Getting video grabbed and into your RISC OS machine isn't easy but it can be done.
In the last of the series we look at general computer training available.
Show report
All the latest news about the RISC OS and education market.
All the latest news and views.
Education review
Find out how you can play global orienteering.
Make sure you don't miss out on the next few issues of Acorn User.

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