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Issue 38 : September 1985

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Acorn User hits back at Micronet story; ups and downs at Acorn; Sinclair sees himself in the Mirror; MEP fears for funding; and commercial radio to launch nationwide radio programme.
Hints and Tips - Martin Phillips
Martin takes up the wordprocessing theme revealing what the Wordwise Plus manual doesn't tell you and then serves up an automatic disc menu.
First Byte - Tessie Revivis
A unified style of presentation of program listings in magazines makes everyone's life easier. Tessie presents her guidelines.
Be Converted - Neil Gordon
Neil shows you how to transfer Wordwise programs to Basic or Basic programs to Wordwise, making editing easier.
Automatic View - David Andrews
Add some useful utilities to your View operations with this suite of programs.
Wise Words - Patrick Quick
Patrick drops some hints about Wordwise - based on hours of frustration and hair tearing - Bruce Smith tips you off about View.
Run Silent - Phil Martin
Play Phil's deep sea game where you must locate the submarine and destroy it!
Games on CP/M - Edward Brown
The Z80 is for fun as well as business. Edward runs through the games available for CP/M.
CP/M Corner - Edward Brown and Richard Clement
A bumper bundle of advice for CP/M users.
Domesday draws nearer - Geoff Nairn
Geoff reports on how schools are responding to the BBC's project to produce a new version of the Domesday book- 900 years on.
Project Christopher - Mary Sargent
Christopher is a severely handicapped four year old. Mary tells how two BBC micros have changed his life.
Pots of paints - Martin Phillips
Martin fills you in with part two of his Easyplot graphics package, and show you how to use it with your own programs.
ROM relocation - Peter Higginbotham
Peter shares the secrets of running ROMs on the second processor.
Atom Forum - Mike Barwise
Mike deals with Atomic Overflow Control among this month's projects.
Review roundup - Bruce Smith
Our easy to use index to the hardware we've reviewed over the past year.
Labyrinth from Acornsoft, Repton from Superior, Icon's Drain Mania and Bug Eyes, Durell's Combat Lynx, and Duck! from Firebird.
Solidisk's low cost DDFS - Chris Drage
Chris gives his verdict.
Printer speed trials - George Hill
Your printer bench test results have been flooding in.
Music machine - Peter Wood
With Ultravox's Chris Cross sound out Island Logic's Music System software.
Acornsoft's Micros in Business demonstration package and Basic Compiler from Ack Data.
Playing ball - Ian Hall More...
Ian rolls out the Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball.
Expansion boards - Chris Drage
Chris compares six ways to extend your micro.
Program update
Win a copy of Sleuth.
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